Māori tennis in New Zealand has a long history. Early settlers brought the game here during the late 1870’s and it was an instant hit.
With over 150 years of historical documents (results, photographs, players) I had a lot of data we wanted to capture and sort on a web site. I also wanted to keep it up to date, the game is still strong, new players are achieving greatness, and new tournaments are still taking place. This is a living site, both the history and the day to day events have to work side by side. Old records are still turning up and being digitised so everyone has access to them.
This is where a database comes into it’s own. Thousands of photos and results cross referenced and searchable, new ways of displaying the raw data and adding new data. Multiply volunteers spread across New Zealand adding to history on a daily bases.
A place to meet, and share accomplishments of Māori Tennis players. I am very proud of what we achieved in this web site and excited to see how it will grow.