Email is an important part of our business lives. But for some reason we don’t treat our company email image with much respect.
Your email is the equivalent of old fashioned stationery. It’s the branding of your company and every message is an official document.
Every time I create a new or updated brand for a company, part of the task is your email signature. It tells people who you are and who you represent. It needs to follow a brand style, and also be a little personnel to who you are. My favourite way to do this is with… [drum roll] adding a image of your signature on your email signature. It sounds dumb, but this is so simple. We have always signed our mail, why not sign your email.

In the past I placed the company address and telephone number as part of the image. Now it’s important to keep this as simple typed in text so that the recipient’s phone can automatically recognise it as an address you can click on for directions or a number to dial right now.

Make your signature part of your brand.
Personalise it.
Get your message read.